Course Syllabus

Kelsie Ryba                                                                                                                              Room 38                                                                                  School Phone: 817-232-0541

                                                                                                                                                 Ext: 5126

Teacher Website                                                                     

Tutorial Schedule

Due to soccer and cross-country my weekly schedule isn’t consistent enough to block out a specific time of day but a student can schedule a time to meet with me 3 different ways: In person, via email, or by checking my weekly tutorial schedule that I update every Monday. I will ALWAYS find a time- whether it is before school, after school, or even during lunch.

WELCOME TO 6th MATHEMATICS! I am looking forward to a great year and having you in my class! I hope you are as excited about the upcoming year as I am! My goal is to guide you through a successful, enjoyable year. My expectations for conduct and academic standards are high. I look forward to working with you and your family as a unified team to make this year a rewarding experience.

Course Description:


The main focus in 6th Grade Mathematics are numbers and operations; proportionality; expressions equations, and relationships; and measurement and data. Curriculum will include 6th and 7th grade math standards.


Class Expectations:


1)    Come to class on time and in your seat when the bell rings. There will always be instructions on the whiteboard. Usually there will be a Bell Ringer/quiz.

2)    Come to class prepared: paper, pencil, binder, math notebook, and highlighter. Bring your own device (BYOD) if you have a device. (See Devices below).

3)    Have homework ready to grade. Keeping up is easier than catching up!

4)    RESPECT EVERYONE inside and outside the classroom! You DO NOT have the right to interfere with another person’s right to learn.

5)    Work hard every day. Student is your job.

6)    ALL work must be done in pencil! Work done in pen or anything other than pencil will not be accepted and will need to be re-done or a grade of a zero will be given.

7)    ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN FOR PROBLEMS!!! (See Homework under Class Policies).

8)    Use your passing period wisely; permission to leave the classroom will be limited.

9)    Discipline Policy: Please refer to Student handbook.



Absences/Make-Up Work:


  • Absences: Since your performance on daily assignments is your only guide to mastery of the topic, it is YOUR responsibility to make up any assignments and instruction when absent.

Ø  If a student is absent the day an assignment is due then they are responsible for turning it into the tray labeled “Absent Work” when they return. If this is not done then the students work is considered Late Work, see Homework for guidelines.

Ø  Students shall have a time equal to days absent from class plus one day to complete all missed assignments. This includes Test/Quizzes. Any work not made up in that time will turn into a zero or be counted late.

Ø  Arrange times to take missed quizzes or tests during Huddle or tutorials.

Ø  If you miss only the day before a scheduled test you are NOT excused from taking the test.







  • Students are expected to be to class on time and in their seat working when the bell rings.  The tardy policy will be in effect in this class.  If a student is late to class all work collected during the time missed will be considered late. 





  • Academic Dishonesty:


Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated by any means.  If a student is caught cheating, all parties involved will be required to complete a separate assignment for that specific assignment, quiz, test and/or project and will be recommended for disciplinary consequences. 


Examples of academic dishonesty include but are not limited to: Copying answers on a test, sharing answers on a test with another student, copying or allowing another student to copying formative quizzes and homework assignments.




  • Grading Scheme:

Ø  Students will be graded on their homework assignments, quizzes, tests and projects.

Ø  6 Week Grades:

  • Homework/Quizzes/Daily Work: 40% Test/Projects: 60%

Ø  Semester Grades: At the end of the semester students will take a district wide exam that will be 1/7th of the students overall semester grade. 


Grading Scale









Below 70







Progress Reports & Communication

Ø  Progress reports will be emailed through Skyward.  It is very important that you and your parents register for Skyward Access.  There is even a phone app.

Ø  Assignments and some tutorials/lesson videos will be available on Canvas. I will show students how to access Canvas. Therefore, if you ever forget your assignment or notes at school, you can still access everything you need at home to complete your homework/assignment.

Ø  Please sign-up for Remind text messages to receive messages concerning our class.

PAP Math – Text @mrsrybap to the number 81010



Class Guidelines:



  • Math Journal:


Ø  The math journal should be brought to class every day and is to help students organize their notes so that it may be used as a study guide.

Ø  Cornell Notes will be implemented in this class.

Ø  The Math Journal will be checked throughout the year and counted as a daily grade.



  • Binder- Math Section


Ø  SpringBoard Unit

Ø  Returned Work (homework, quizzes, and reviews)


  • Student Planner:

Ø  Students will be required to use their weekly planner to record their daily homework assignments, upcoming tests, and other important dates.



  • Devices:


Ø  Wayside Middle School is a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) campus and since I love to use technology in my room I would be thrilled if you could bring a device.

Ø  Devices are a privilege that can be taken away and a parent will have to come pick them up from the office if my rules are not followed. Continued misuse can lead to loss of technology for future class periods.



  • Homework:


Ø  Homework is an extension of the classroom and a way for students to deepen their understanding of the lessons.  Group work is encouraged for homework, but all members should understand the process for each problem assigned. Students will have a variety of ways to demonstrate the learning process and their understanding of the mathematical concepts. 

Ø  Homework Assignments will not be accepted if incomplete or with no work shown.



  • Late Work: Adopted from District Secondary Grading and Reporting Handbook


Ø  An assignment is considered late if it is not on time, in pencil, complete or work shown.

  • 1 school day late – maximum score is 85
  • 2 school days late – maximum score is 70
  • 3 school days late – maximum score of 60
  • No late work accepted after three days, assignment will be a zero.



  • Homework Corrections:


Ø  If a student has turned in an assignment on time but does not do as well as expected then they may correct that homework assignment for partial credit back.

Ø  Students have 2 days to correct the homework assignment.



  • Quizzes:


Ø  Feedback on learning objectives will be given in the form of formative quizzes. This allows the student and me to assess your ability throughout the year.  You will have an opportunity to take this feedback and demonstrate improved knowledge in a variety of ways. 



  • Tests:


Ø  Formative & Summative assessments are designed to assess current knowledge on an individual basis.  You will be given a minimum of 3 assessments per six weeks.

Ø  See District Secondary Grading and Reporting Handbook for re-takes on tests.












Dear Student,


  It is imperative that you be aware of your understanding and progress in this course.  If at any time you feel you do not understand the material or if you have a concern about your grade, please see me immediately.  Your completion of homework and formative quizzes should give you an indication of the level of your understanding.  I will be happy to either help you or discuss ways to improve your grade. 



Dear Parents,


 I believe it is crucial that we work together to get your student the knowledge this class offers.  If at any time you feel your student is not being successful in the class, please contact me by phone or email to discuss ways to improve the level of understanding.  This can be done by devising a plan that still places emphasis on student responsibility while getting them the additional help they need.  I encourage you to follow up on any plan we discuss, but understand it is the student’s responsibility to follow through and get the help they need.



ParentsPlease feel free to contact me at any time about the progress of your child in my class.  The easiest way is via email.     


If your best contact method is an email or a phone number that is not listed on Skyward please email it to me. I refer to the contact info on Skyward for communication so please update it if it is wrong.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due